Monday, January 30, 2012


I've been a healthy eater the majority of my adult life.  Even as a child I loved my veggies.  More recently (since Croix was born)  I've tried to eat more organic and all natural, specifically with our meats and our dairy.  I just don't want the added hormones and antibiotics in our systems.  We recently watched Food Inc and Super Size Me.  I know we're way behind the times, they have both been out for years.   This did nothing but straighten my resolve to eat organic and all natural!!  It's amazing how bad the food the general public eats is.  The sad part is it's not that much more difficult to eat healthy.  It is, although more expensive.  Why this is I'm not positive.  I do know I get a "vote" with every purchase.  And although it may break the bank I'm voting healthy!  If you haven't seen both of those documentaries I'd highly recommend them, Food Inc. before Super Size Me.

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