Sunday, September 27, 2009


Our computer is broken. I'm stealing away a few moments on the in laws computer after dinner. I miss my computer. I miss the Internet. I miss facebook. I miss having stupid games to play and entertain me while I'm feeding Croix. I miss looking at cute pics of my cute baby. I miss sharing those cute pics with the world! I have a client who has offered to help me fix it. I really hope he can get it working! I hope even more that we don't loose anything from the computer! My whole life story is on there in the form of photography. Which not so smartly is not entirely backed up anywhere! Pray we get it working and pray we haven't lost anything. Also I've got a post Ive been dying to post! Well Croix is crying and hungry and since I only have a few minutes this will have to be all for now! Hopefully I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to steal some computer time. It stinks when you don't have access to the electronic age. You are just an adorable mom and I love seeing you with your new guy!