We took a quick weekend trip up to Pinetop to get away from the heat. I had never been there, driving up there I thought, are we in Arizona still? It's so beautiful! We thoroughly enjoyed the drive up there!
We left at 10 (Maizy's naptime) with hopes that she would sleep at least part of the way up there. But per the standard with my children all we got was silliness and crying.

It was our first time to this area and we found an awesome community with rental cabins. Our cabin was perfect! Full kitchen (fully equipped), two bedrooms and bathrooms, a front and back deck, a fireplace, and best of all access to all the community amenities.
First order of business was a nap for Maizy. But after that we had to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather! We found a perfect little hiking trail.
It had this amazing little creek that you could hear gurgling along.

It had this amazing little creek that you could hear gurgling along.

It had beautiful views.
And some beautiful flowers!
Maizy got tired of the Eurgo after a while so Daddy was very kind and carried her.
There were fun signs to read along the way. Croix wanted to read each of them and thought all the info about the area was amazing!
Croix climbed a tree
We went to the park where Croix was frozen on the cargo net because there was small spiderweb way up on the top corner.
Brent and Croix enjoyed a game of tether ball....
Croix enjoyed driving from the community area to our cabin.
Maizy figured out how to have a finger up her nose while still sucking her thumb.
We made smores in our fireplace
And enjoyed every gooey bite!
Until we were all messy.
We spent a lot of time hanging out on the porches.
Such a nice view
A good book was always near by.
And we enjoyed a few meals in the great outdoors and perfect weather.
Croix decided to try his hand at photography
I was impressed!
Croix and Brent went fishing early one morning. So Maizy and I had a girls breakfast.
They stopped and got some breakfast
And then hit up the golf course
We had a grassy "front yard" It was fun to lay out there and watch the bugs.
And find castles and animals and ice cream cones in the clouds
The family center was loads of fun. There were arcade games and air hockey, a preschool age play place with duplos so Croix was instantly in heaven. The had a movie room with sofas and recliners and a big screen tv.
Croix, Maizy and Mommy racing motercycles.
Our last morning there we were lucky enough to enjoy breakfast with the Campas. The provided yummy Krispy Kream doughnuts and we contributed some juicy fruit. It was fun to see them and a scrumptious (albeit unhealthy) breakfast!
We loved every minute up there. Made us want to move and question why we live in an oven. We read books. Walked and hiked all around. Made brownies. Relaxed. Enjoyed the quiet. Breathed in some fresh air. Watch very little tv. Our cell phones main purposes were to be cameras, not a distraction. Oh it was a heavenly weekend!