Thursday, March 31, 2011


Brent is done with school! It's a little bit surreal. Tonight he would normally have class what are our plans? A brisk walk to get ready for our Warrior Dash in the beautiful weather we are enjoying. This weekend no homework. The same thing for the next night and week and month. It is a pretty fantastic feeling. His cap and gown were delivered the other day. Brent has rented most of his books for school which means they are delivered. I have often retrieved a book up for a new class off our front stoop. It was so nice to pick up a package, the last package, which contained the cap and gown. His graduation ceremony is the middle of May. Still trying to decide on exactly when the big party will be....because we are going to celebrate! I'm so proud of Brent. He's graduating with a 3.91 GPA, and a member of two honor society's. He has worked hard. Put in countless hours. He work on homework at work as much as possible to try and leave as much time for Croix and I. He's wonderful! Croix and I are so proud of him!

Now that Brent is done we're excited to see what the future holds for us.  It might just be "climbing the ladder" where he is.  It might be a new company/job here.  It might be an adventure for us across the country.  It might be an adventure over the ocean.  Who knows at this point.  We're excited to see what the future holds, I'm sure what ever it is will be amazing!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

18 Month Photos

We had fun tonight! Little stinker wouldn't smile, or really even look at me! Good thing he's still adorable! He finally smiled when some strangers walked by and he started waving and saying, bye, bye, bye! I guess next time I'll invite a stranger to go with us to take pictures!

 The more I learn about my camera and use it, the more I'm realizing I need a new lens!  I want a 50mm 1.8f.  Awww I'm dreaming.  Someday, hopefully soon.

Oh and PS I'm learning why you have someone else take photos for you, I can't choose good ones, they are all good, there of my little boy!  LOL

18 Months

I can't belive he's 18 mo old already!  When did this happen?  Seriously! Last weekend, three separate times someone referred to Croix as a big boy. Not to me, in fact all three times I just over heard it. It makes me a little sad. He is turning into such a big boy. I don't think there's any baby left in him at all. Time is flying by too fast.  He's growing and learning daily.  He's saying new words all the time.  The most frequently used words are Daddy, baby, thank you, shoe, milk, sleep, eat, and bath.  I'm working hard to ensure his first sentence will be I Love You.  He climbs everywhere, runs everywhere, is into everything.  He is exhausting, yet never exhausted.  He loves to growl.  He loves our bedtime routine.  Bath time is so fun.  He's turning into a great little helper.  He loves dance class and learning.  He loves his Daddy.  When Brent come through the door his best buddy is home.  He is sweet and tender hearted.  Yet brave and at times a little too fearless. He is perfect and we love him!

These are just some random pics from the other day, in the laundry room.  I want to go out and "pratice" for some 18 mo. pics, (shhh don't tell he'll be 19 mo in a few days, just a little behind).  Hopefully I'll have those posted soon.

Oh and one picture from the toy store at the mall, because I think it's kind of adorable.


Brent and I recently found ourselves experiencing the quintessential marriage problems.  Brent felt nagged and like he couldn't do anything right.  I felt under appreciated and like I was doing everything.  Pretty typical right.  I'm glad we have great communication and are able to talk about these things so they don't turn into major issues.  A good conversation and we've decided Brent is going to try to be more verbally appreciative and notice things he can do to help, especially on days when Croix has been difficult.  I'm going to do my best to keep comments to myself that don't really need to be said and try to remember Brent has been working all day, sometimes he just wants to relax and play with his little boy.

I am grateful for marriage.  What a blessing to share your life with someone you can trust enough, and be comfortable enough with to learn and grow together.  I find that when I can be humble enough to learn from Brent and patient and loving enough to help him, we make a great team!  It's when I become selfish and start noticing all the things that frustrate me, rather than all the good, that I get discouraged and angry.  Men and women are so different.  I feel that this can be such a blessing.  When we can learn from our differences we can help each other grow. The dangerous part is, when you are that comfortable with someone it's a lot easier to be selfish and let your tongue lash out, or stop being thoughtful and helpful.  Marriage truly is work, a conscious effort to help uplift and strengthen each other.  What a glorious work we are doing!  Becoming better people!

Our First Fort

The other night during story time Croix crawled under the side table in his room.  He had found a "fort".  He loved it!  He played peek a boo.  Crawled in and out.  Growled at us when we peeked in on him.

So we built a fort, a real fort.

Croix loved it!

Fire Truck

My Mom got Croix this cool firetruck for Christmas.  We've just been waiting for the weather to warm up enough to use it.  Yesterday we pulled it out and took it for a test drive, really broke it in.

 (my favorite ^)

 (Or maybe this one's my favorite ^)
 We even blew some bubbles