Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Miss Fall!!!

Fall has always been my favorite season. I love the crispness of the air. I love the colors of the trees. I love wearing sweaters and jackets. I love the crunch of leaves under my feet. Fall smells different. Fall feels different. Well fall doesn't exist so much for me right now. Wednesday's high....99!!!! I HATE IT!!! We were in the 90's all week. I'm so ready for it to be cool. I just might buy into global warming if it keeps going like this (not really)! It makes me a little sad to think about how I live somewhere that really only has two seasons.....extreme summer and summer! Makes me wonder if I really want to live here the rest of forever, but that is another post all in it own. I do miss winter too but not as much as fall. There are more bad aspects to winter then fall....scraping snow off your windshield, freezing, the bottom of your pants getting wet and then freezing. But fall, oh fall it's so perfect! Prescott where I grew up has a great fall season. When I lived in Utah fall was beautiful in the Rockies. Then I lived in Connecticut. I think that sentence speaks for it's self. This was my fall in CT.

This one is worth scrolling over for! It's beautiful!! I said that but once I posted it it wont show the whole pic. Can't figure it out :(

I'd drive down the road and see this!!

And those were not taken in the peak of fall, the colors were just starting to change!

Since I was missing fall, and feeling a little cabin fever, Brent took a random Thursday off and we went for a drive to try and find fall. I wore my warm shoes that are too warm for Phoenix! Seriously I can't even wear them here, my feet get too hot! We headed north. First we went to Flagstaff, this is where we found winter! There was snow and it was literally freezing! Then we went and got some Macho Nachos at

They were so good! If you're ever in Flagstaff go to Charlies in the Hotel Weatherford and order some Macho Nachos!

My boys!! TOO CUTE!

Then we drove through Oak Creek Canyon. This is where I was expecting to find fall. This is what we found.

We even saw a touch of snow!

Then we drove to Sedona and saw the beautiful Red Rocks

And this cute little gem.

Then we headed home through Payson. It was a great trip. So fun to spend the day with my boys! So fun to wear a sweater! So fun to be chilly. But I still miss fall!


therealmccoy said...

I'm sorry, what do you call those things again? Trees? Well, whatever they are they sure are pretty.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I saw the last picture and realized you went right through COTTONWOOD!!!!! You didn't even call or stop by, I haven't even seen Croix yet...I'm so hurt! What ever I did to hurt you I didn't mean it!