Monday, December 6, 2010

Temper Tantrum

Croix is fast becoming a master of the temper tantrum. He has learned the ancient art of screaming and crying, throwing one’s self on the floor and looking to see if Mom is watching. I didn't think this was supposed to happen until two! Sheesh. He gets very frustrated when he can't do things he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Last night we were playing with his shape ball, you know the ball that has holes in different shapes and then you put the shapes through the holes. There were a couple that were giving him an especially hard time, he figured it out and saved those for last. When he would get to them he would try, get frustrated very quickly, throw the shape across the room, throw himself on the floor and cry!

So far my response has been to either be sympathetic of his frustration, or ignore a tantrum for attention. Occasionally I’ll laugh at him too. Sometimes he starts to throw a fit looks at me, I’ll laugh at him and then he’ll start laughing too! Oh what a silly child!

If anyone else has any great parenting tips for dealing with temper tantrums please by all means feel free to share!

If anyone else has any great parenting tips for dealing with temper tantrums please by all means feel free to share!

1 comment:

Erin L said...

Often I tell them that I understand their frustration and they can cry in their room if they want. Usually it doesn't take too long for them to settle down. But my kids are older. i've never had a temper tantrum-er.