Saturday, May 3, 2008

Good as New

I finally have my car back and it is good as new! It looks so great! I didn't realized what a big difference the bumper made! While my car was being fixed quickly Brent met up with me and we went and hung out in downtown Mesa. We went to Milano's Music store. It was fun to dream of having a room in our home devoted to music some day. There are so many beautiful instruments! I was going to take Brent to this place a friend had introduce me to the other day called Sweet Cakes, but it was already closed. :( They have great cookies! So we went to Blimpie's and got mediocre cookies instead, and I got a pickle, I thought would be a good afternoon snack. Don't worry I'm not pregnant! It was a good pickle! It had been ages since I'd had a big huge pickle! It was fun to just walk around the old downtown.


What's for dinner? said...

I'm glad you're car is back to "normal" when are we going to go hang out while Brent and Burt go golfing? I tried calling Saturday but I think you were gone.

Hilary said...

Wow, Milano's? We used to rent my violin there when I was a kid and could actually play the violin.

Glad to hear the Mayor Damage was repaired properly.

Hilary said...

OH! And the pickle disclaimer? I get asked all the time if I'm pregnant because I like pickles...SO sick of hearing that.