Monday, April 30, 2012

Family Beach Photos

While we were in CA we met up with my sister.  We went to the beach and took some pictures.  I adjusted the settings, she took the shots, and I edited them.  We got some lovely photos!  My favorite is this first one!

My favorite part of our little photo session was not Croix peeing his pants on Brent's shirt.  It was this from my sister when we were trying to do pics of just me, laying in the sand.
Crystal  "So what are we doing about your double chin"
Me       "Umm I don't know,  I can't suck it and and push it out at the same time"  (I was trying to push my belly out to make it look bigger!)
Crystal  "Just try sticking your chin out farther......that worked!"

HA!  I can thank my Grammy for that one!

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