Friday, April 12, 2013


This week my personal goal has been to do the dishes every day.  I left it a little vague to be completely realistic.  I thought about saying the sink had to be empty, or no dirty dishes out.  But doing the dishes everyday seemed perfect.  The first day sucked because I hadn't done the dishes for a few days and it took a while.  But ever since then, I must say, it's been pretty easy!  I've just been staying up later.  I've been staying up later almost this entire challenge.  I need to figure out how to fit things INTO my day better.  Right now I'm just cramming in a few things before bed.  Good thing I still have two months left to figure out how to do that.  Which was one of the major reasons I wanted to do the challenge. 


Artsy Aut said...

Dishes are a never ending job! I don't have a dish washer and sometimes I feel like all I do is dishes! I try to do 10 minute spurts, just do as many as I can in ten minutes then come back to it later. Good job on your goal!

Crystal-lynn said...

I set my dishes goal slightly vague too... That I wouldn't leave a mountain of dishes at night, rather than that they are ALL finished. Now that I'm just trying to maintain the goals I've used in weeks past, I count it if I've done dishes at all during the day. :)