Friday, May 17, 2013

Back Yard Splash Pad

A while ago I did a little dumpster diving.  Not exactly.  I drove past a pool cover on top of someone's garbage.  I thought it would be perfect for our patio during the summer under a pool.  Turns out I was right!  It is perfect!  We were pretty bored yesterday afternoon.  So we took a milk jug with some holes.  A bunch of kitchen utensils, bowls and other things, I also brought out my baby bath and filled it up.  Who needs a pool!

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Cheesy smiles!

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Big boy in a little bowl.

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Two kids in a baby bath.

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Of course he ended up naked.

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I think we'll end up hanging out like this a lot.  How many times have I said that I love having a back yard and a patio!

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