Saturday, May 25, 2013


We gave Maizy blueberries for the first time yesterday.  Berries are pretty high on the common allergen list.  She has done well with strawberries so I thought she'd do fine with blueberries as well.  Not the case.  She loved eating them, ate almost half the container.  Probably should have controlled how much she had a little better since it was her first time eating them.   She woke up vomiting at 1.  In the middle of the night I wasn't even thinking about her having a new food, I didn't even turn on the light.  I just wiped her off took out her pillow and blanket and moved her to the other end of her crib.  Then she threw up again, so I turned on the light and it looked like there was blood with blood clots all over her crib.  Talk about panic mode.  I frantically tried to figure out what she had eaten that was red.....thankfully it didn't take us long to figure out it was blueberries.  After a little while of her vomiting we check good old Google about infant blueberry allergies.  Turns out they can be fatal.  I call the GI specialist and spoke with the on-call Dr.  He was not helpful at all.  I just wanted to know, if she's breathing fine now and just vomiting will she be ok or do we need to be very concerned.  He basically told me he couldn't see her so he doesn't know.  I asked again how concerned we needed to be and he told me if I was concerned enough to be calling him at this hour to take her to the ER.  Not helpful dude.  So I call half a dozen people trying to fine anyone who will answer their phone at 2am.  Finally get a hold of the relief society president (have I mentioned how glad I am to not have that calling!) and she came over.  We left before she got here.  By time we got to the ER she had stopped vomiting.  Everything was fine.  We were only there an hour.

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 Maizy was miserable the rest of the night.  I tried so many things to help her be more comfortable but the only thing that worked was her in just a diaper and me topless and her in the wrap.  Then she finally slept but not peacefully.  She woke and cried every little while.  I couldn't sit in our recliner, it would make her cry.  So finally at 6:30 Brent took over.  I slept till about 10.  It's been a long day.  She's still been upset and not her normal self.  You can tell her tummy still hurts.  She has vomited a few more times this morning also.  I'm so glad she seems to be doing better this evening.  I cannot even think too much about how lucky we are.  If she had experienced a more server reaction and stopped breathing we may not have known until the next morning.  I cannot imagine the heart ache of loosing a child.  I've prayed many prayers of gratitude today that we still have our sweet Maizy with us.  I was so thankful to be up with her all night!  Thankful she was still here to keep me awake!

1 comment:

KJ's Perspective Take 2 said...

Please delete the last one. Clicked send before proof reading the spelling. Glad she is doing better. Sorry she went through such a tough night!